Maurice StuckeDec 13, 2020Stucke on Fox NewsOn December 12, 2020, Fox News interviewed Maurice Stucke on the FTC's and States' complaints against Facebook. The video is available...
Maurice StuckeDec 13, 2020Competition Overdose in BrazilOn December 11, Maurice Stucke and his co-author Ariel Ezrachi presented Competition Overdose at the Third International Conference on...
Maurice StuckeOct 30, 2020"Competition Overdose" Heads to University of TrentoCristina Poncibò, Andrea Piletta Massaro, and the University of Trento hosted Professors Ariel Ezrachi and Maurice Stucke on their recent...
Maurice StuckeSep 19, 2019CNBC: Antitrust Scrutiny of Data-Opolies. Stucke comments on FTC's Settlement with Facebook